Friday, October 31, 2008

Office Music... Ozzy Osbourne???

"Our Patients Speak"

I was referred here by my old chiropractor in Renton when I moved to the big city. The first time I went here they had Ozzy Osbourne playing over the speakers and it smelled of mouthwash, which I've come to the conclusion is coming from the fog machine pond in the waiting area. ALL those things aside, Dr. Lachuta is very nice and very good at what he does. He always explains what he's doing and why and is always willing to answer any and all questions you might have. The girl at the front desk is very polite and helpful as well. A plus is that they are always willing to accommodate my crazy schedule. I will note that they were playing Tegan and Sarah when I went last night... big improvement.

-Danielle B

Monday, October 27, 2008

After a career in dance, in multiple auto accidents...

At Northgate Chiropractic Our Patients Speak!!!

"How many chiropractors have I been to? After a career in dance, in multiple auto accidents, there have been a few. Some were awful, some were great, but Dr. Steve has been the best. He is thorough, confident and accommodating. I feel very cared for going to his office. He always takes the time to listen to how I am feeling and responds with appropriate treatment. Dr. Steve is fantastic and I recommend him to anyone!"


Friday, October 24, 2008

When Should You Take Your Child To a Chiropractor?

Did you know that some hospitals in Australia have newborn babies checked by a chiropractor right after delivery? I feel this procedure should be routine throughout the world.

You might be surprised to learn that most adult problems chiropractors deal with actually have a start in childhood. Think about this for a moment, your child’s spine is his/her lifeline. Running through it is the spinal cord containing billions of nerves that send messages and information from the brain to every part of the body and back again.

Yes, we all have our very own internal Internet! As long as none of these messages are interrupted, your child should have the very best health possible. If, however, there is any interference with this information “highway,” these messages will not reach their designation. As a result the body starts to work improperly. Chiropractors call this malfunction a subluxation. It can be a serious threat to health. It may affect the immune system, lower body resistance, and leave your child prey to various “bugs” and infection.

Some of the examples of malfunction that I see are: asthma, bed-wetting, ADD, chronic ear infections, colic, scoliosis, “growing pains,” etc.

When should you take your child to a chiropractor?

When you want your child to have all the benefits of a conservative, natural, drugless, approach to health. A visit to a Doctor of Chiropractic should be a pleasant experience, one without painful injections and procedures but with plenty of nurturing. It is critical to have your child examined as soon as possible after birth, as the process of delivery can be very traumatic for a newborn and can create subluxations, or misalignments of the delicate spinal bones. This can interfere with your child’s “information highway” and cause a myriad of malfunctions.

When your child takes a fall, tumbles, or is involved in some trauma. Such an incident can easily create a subluxation, which can lie undetected for years, surfacing in the adult years as a major health problem.

Your baby should have six check ups at six crucial events in the first year of life.

Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of health care in the world, and the largest drugless health care profession on the globe.

When choosing a chiropractor for your child, ask if he or she has special pediatric training or certification; as in all health professions, Doctors of Chiropractic have a number of specialties within the profession. So ask!

For additional information on how Chiropractic can benefit a love one, please call Northgate Chiropractic at(209) 367-2224 or visit us on the web!

Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A-D-J-U-S-T-M-E-N-T Spells Relief

It sounds a little different than what we are used to. You know ROLAIDS spells relief... “Dr. Lachuta, you mean that an adjustment could help with my heartburn or acid reflux? I was told I’d have to live with it and take the medication for the rest of my life.” Heartburn is a sign that something is not working right. It is very similar to a fire alarm that is going off and then unplugging the alarm. Rolaids or Tagamet does not treat the cause of the problem. It only covers up the symptoms.

So, how could an adjustment help my stomach? The nervous system controls and coordinates all functions of the body, including digestion. When the spine is misaligned, the signals to your stomach are not received as well as they should be. This interference is called a subluxation. Dr. Windsor from the University of Pennsylvania was given permission to carry out his experiments. Dr. Windsor determined that there was a direct correlation to the health of the spine and the health of the internal organs. In a series of three studies, he dissected a total of seventy-five human and twenty-two cat cadavers. All nine cases of spinal misalignment in the mid-thoracic (T5-9) area had stomach disease.

Many patients state that their digestion had greatly improved after getting adjusted; they were able to eat the foods they like (within reason) without using harmful medication.

Research shows that every medication you take may help you in one way and may hurt you another way. Drugs like Tagamet and Zantec “stop digestion of proteins (because they both stop HCl production).” A.C. Millet (Nutrition expert) explains,

“Antacids interfere with HCl release and can upset body chemistry resulting in other problems. Long-term use can lead to serious conditions like gastrointestinal complications.”

So, the next time you feel like eating a handful of Rolaids or Pepcid AC, think of the alternatives.

For additional information on how Chiropractic can benefit you, please call Northgate Chiropractic at (206) 367-2224.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Add Years to Your Life And Life to Your Years

I have always said that you should begin chiropractic adjustments at birth and continue throughout your entire life. Richard is Eighty-Two years old and continues to receive his chiropractic adjustments. Just as everyone in your family should receive adjustments, you should also bring in your grandparents. With medication use on the rise with the elderly, it is especially important that these people receive adjustments. The average grandma and grandpa are on approximately seven to eight different medications, each one to treat the side effect of the other.

Chiropractic is the essential ingredient to a healthier, more productive and longer life. Research shows that the smallest amount of pressure on a nerve from a subluxation will take away the functions of any organ, tissue or blood vessel that it controls. Chiropractic care should be on a maintenance visit level for their entire life. Colonel Sanders received his adjustments every week for the last Sixty-Five years of his life (He lived into his mid 90’s). Here are what some of the studies have showed how chiropractic care added years to our grandparent lives and life to their years.

A detailed analysis of a database collected during a three-year randomized study of senior citizens over 75 years of age and chiropractic care revealed that they received the following: better overall health, used fewer prescription drugs, and spent fewer days in hospitals and nursing homes than elderly non-chiropractic patients. The chiropractic patients were also more likely to exercise vigorously and more likely to be mobile in the community.
Eighty-seven percent of the chiropractic patients described their health status as good to excellent, compared to only sixty seven percent of the non-chiropractic patients.

Furthermore, the chiropractic patients spent fifteen percent less time in nursing homes and twenty one percent less time in hospitals than the non-chiropractic patients.

A retrospective assessment of 2,818 respondents in 156 chiropractic practices found a strong connection between persons receiving Chiropractic Care and self- reported improvement in health, wellness, and quality of life.

Ninety-five percent of the respondents reported their chiropractic expectations had been met, and ninety nine percent wished to continue care.

Now matter how much arthritis, degeneration you have, chiropractic is the only profession that will detect and correct interference in your nervous system. A healthy nervous system is the key to a longer and healthier life. It is my wish that through chiropractic care you will be able to unlock your fountain of youth.

For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.

Friday, October 17, 2008


Congratulations, you are going to have a baby. Northgate Chiropractic wants you to have a healthy pregnancy for both you and your child. Our office wants to inform new mothers of ways that they can have a better pregnancy.

One of the ways you can have a healthier pregnancy is to take care of your body. Women should eat a healthy diet both, before, during and after their pregnancy. Other things to consider are the side effects of smoking, alcohol consumption, and the use of medicine.

Mothers who smoked during their pregnancy increased the chances that their baby would likely suffer ADD later in life. Statistics have shown that these children were 3x as likely to develop ADD.

Since there are no known safe levels of alcohol, physicians advise pregnant women to abstain from consuming alcohol during the entire pregnancy.

Also, 10 to 20X the amount of any drug that a pregnant woman takes is passed on to the baby. One of the main ingredients in most cough and cold medicines is dextro-methorphan, which research studies have indicated may cause birth defects and miscarriages.

Another way to take care of yourself during your pregnancy is to exercise regularly. A daily exercise regiment is as important during pregnancy as it is before and afterwards. Exercise helps to make you feel your best during your pregnancy. You should consult your doctor to determine what is best for you and your baby. These are a few of the known ways you can take care of your body during your pregnancy.

Another way to take care of you during pregnancy is through chiropractic care. Chiropractic is a holistic way to ensure that the body’s nervous and reproductive systems are functioning properly. Chiropractors look for subluxations in your spine; misalignments of a bone in your spine that puts pressure on a nerve creating an interference or dysfunction in your body. Since the body is ever changing during pregnancy it is important that the body maintains at its optimum level of efficiency and health. Chiropractic helps the body to maintain its optimum state.

Adjustments keep the segments of the pregnant woman’s structure freely and normally movable and permit a constant free flow of all body fluids and a normal venous supply to control function. During the second 6 weeks of pregnancy the growing fetus and expanding uterus often settle in the hollow sacrum and relief of nausea may be achieved. Adjustments result in an easier pregnancy and delivery.
Chiropractic care during pregnancy resulted in 31 % decreased labor for the first child and 25% for subsequent children. Approximately 84% of patients receiving spinal manipulative therapy reported relief of back pain during pregnancy. There was significantly less likelihood of back labor when spinal manipulative therapy was admitted during pregnancy.

The postpartum return of the mother to prepartum health is also expected by adjustments.

The Webster In-Utero Constraint (Breech Turning Technique), a chiropractic procedure, has been with high success (85%) to clinically correct or reduce in-utero constraint. These are a few of the many benefits of chiropractic care during pregnancy.


“With my first pregnancy, I had severe headaches and low back pain with 24 hours of labor and a c-section without chiropractic care. While under chiropractic care for my second and third children, I had minimal headaches and low back pain with an average of three hours of labor and two natural vaginal deliveries.”

“It is important for the nervous system to be functioning at 100% so that the mother and child have the opportunity for optimum health and development. When I got adjusted, there was always a sense of ease, knowing that my child was at ease also.”

“My potential and your body’s potential as a mom-to-be is far greater with the full expression of a healthy nervous system. My best advice to you is to get adjustments before, during, and after the baby is born.”

“Getting adjusted during my pregnancy gave me the chance to have a "normal" pregnancy and delivery. I was diagnosed as diabetic at the beginning of my pregnancy and was told that most diabetics have problems. The nurses told me the amount of insulin I would have to take would triple by the end of my pregnancy and that in all likelihood my baby’s birth weight would be in the 90% percentile at least 9 to 10 pounds. I ended up having a fairly easy pregnancy despite the daily shots and diet I had to follow. My baby was not quite 7 pounds. My doctors were amazed at how well my sugar levels, weight, and the pregnancy was in general. They acted as if I was an exception for all the diabetics that they delivered babies for. They also expected me to be insulin dependent afterwards. As of yet I only watch what I eat and do not need pills or shots.”

For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.