Tuesday, October 21, 2008

A-D-J-U-S-T-M-E-N-T Spells Relief

It sounds a little different than what we are used to. You know ROLAIDS spells relief... “Dr. Lachuta, you mean that an adjustment could help with my heartburn or acid reflux? I was told I’d have to live with it and take the medication for the rest of my life.” Heartburn is a sign that something is not working right. It is very similar to a fire alarm that is going off and then unplugging the alarm. Rolaids or Tagamet does not treat the cause of the problem. It only covers up the symptoms.

So, how could an adjustment help my stomach? The nervous system controls and coordinates all functions of the body, including digestion. When the spine is misaligned, the signals to your stomach are not received as well as they should be. This interference is called a subluxation. Dr. Windsor from the University of Pennsylvania was given permission to carry out his experiments. Dr. Windsor determined that there was a direct correlation to the health of the spine and the health of the internal organs. In a series of three studies, he dissected a total of seventy-five human and twenty-two cat cadavers. All nine cases of spinal misalignment in the mid-thoracic (T5-9) area had stomach disease.

Many patients state that their digestion had greatly improved after getting adjusted; they were able to eat the foods they like (within reason) without using harmful medication.

Research shows that every medication you take may help you in one way and may hurt you another way. Drugs like Tagamet and Zantec “stop digestion of proteins (because they both stop HCl production).” A.C. Millet (Nutrition expert) explains,

“Antacids interfere with HCl release and can upset body chemistry resulting in other problems. Long-term use can lead to serious conditions like gastrointestinal complications.”

So, the next time you feel like eating a handful of Rolaids or Pepcid AC, think of the alternatives.

For additional information on how Chiropractic can benefit you, please call Northgate Chiropractic at (206) 367-2224.

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