Saturday, March 2, 2013

Northgate Chiropractic Presents: Tips for Allergies

It’s starting to look more and more like spring outside. The grass is starting to get greener, the birds are starting to sing in the morning, and the first flowers of the season are starting to show. However, if you are one of the approximately 40 million Americans suffering from allergies , chances are the new growth and budding flowers may well be accompanied by sneezing, sniffling, and wheezing.

Allergies are actually an over-reaction of your immune system to a foreign substance (in this case, pollen). This causes the over-production of neutralizing chemicals like histamines which results in the itchy eyes, stuffy noses, sinus headaches, and sneezes we all know so well.

Unfortunately there is no known cure for allergies and immune system disease, so doctors can only provide relief from symptoms with prescribed or over the counter treatments like anti-histamines. Although these options reduce the swelling and irritation that is the root of most allergy-related discomfort, sometimes the side effects can be worse then the actual allergies. These side effects can include dry mouth, nausea, trouble urinating, confusion, or even blurred vision.

Although chiropractic does not directly treat disease, it does help relieve stress to the nervous system, which in turn helps the immune system function more effectively

Imagine that your spine and the various nerves that run along it are similar to a freeway. When all the components are in alignment, everything is able to run smoothly and easily. However if there is even minor road work or an accident, everything gets backed up and stuck. Similarly, when your body is out of alignment, it gets backed up and ends up having to work harder to function.

If you find yourself falling victim to seasonal sneezing, it may just be time to treat your body to an adjustment and discover what regular chiropractic care can do for you.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Our Patients Speak - Beau

I first came to Northgate Chiropractic about two years ago on the recommendation of Courtnee. I was having recurring low back discomfort and a disruptive rib and in need of some general care. I was feeling pain, stiffness and a lack of range of motion. I had been dealing with these problems for about the last 15 years and from my friends recommendations I decided to try chiropractic. I had the rare adjustment and occasional care in the past to help with ongoing pains. Dr. Steve is careful and considerate. He makes treatment easy and approachable. The office is casual and welcoming. Since I started chiropractic care with Dr. Steve, I have seen fast results and I can move better and sleep better. I began to see these changes immediately. Freedom from chronic pain allows me to have less depression and a brighter outlook. Dr. Steve’s treatment raises my quality of life. I try to get adjusted before and after travel. ~Beau P. 06/09/12

Monday, February 27, 2012


So what’s awesome in your life today? It could be your first morning cup of coffee, waking up BEFORE your alarm goes off, or eating the last piece of cheesecake for lunch. The small things in life so often get overlooked. Yet they make up 90 percent of what happens to us daily. Sure it is easy to focus on the negative and dwell in the darkness, but my humble advice to you today is to just appreciate 5 simple things that made your day more AWESOME!

If you were wondering what lead me to this preponderance, it was my late night TED talks after watching the Oscars last night. It was amazing how my mood shifted immediately. Right after seeing all those impressive movies and people win awards I was struggling to think of what I might win anything for. So when I need some inspiration I go to and listen to some of their “ideas worth spreading”. This particular one was about an author who wrote a book after some tragedy struck him life. He was even contemplating life itself. And he ended up writing a blog about 1000 awesome things. The simple stuff. The things nobody really talks about but still makes your day that much better. It was a very inspiring speech and I encourage you all to hear it. The link is here.

He also has an amazing site you can check out here.

Happy Monday Guys!!!

Kira & Dr. Steve

Friday, February 3, 2012

Our Patient's Speak - Jesika =)

"This guy is a miracle worker. I came in after messing up my neck in a fall to the top of my head while snowboarding. He got me back on the mountain, not only without pain and with full range of motion back, but I had more energy and I was breathing better than I had in years. I'm hooked!!"

~Jessica 1/31/12

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Smile Now =)

Some of our favorite patients: existing and new =)

Feeling bent like a candy cane this holiday season?

Come on in!

We can help!

We will be open regular hours including all day Friday and Saturday morning.


Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Pregnant and Missing an "Adjustment" in Your Life?

Hello all!

So it seems this holiday season has been the time for families and even more exciting: NEW ADDITIONS to families! We have seen many new little ones pop up this season and it reminded me that Chiropractic care can help move along all processes of pregnancy!

I have been researching the benefits and have found a plethora of useful info.

Here are just a few of the them:

There are millions of hormonal and chemical changes that occur in the body; especially when pregnant. This is often one of the most vital times of both the mother and infant.

Regular chiropractic care during pregnancy has been proven to be an effective means of maintaining the normal physiolofical functions of the mother as well as the baby. The pregnancy can become much more comfortable before, during, and after delivery.

Chiropractic techniques stimulate the nervous system and enables proper functioning of organs, thus supporting needs of the baby throughout the terms.

For The Expectant Mother:

Removes ligament tension and reduces torsion to the uterus.
Creates a state of balance in pelvic bony structures, muscles & ligaments.
Allows a safer, easier birth for the mother by decreasing the potential for intervention.

For Infants

Allows for better baby development by removing interference to mother’s nerve system
Offers baby more room to develop without restrictions to it’s forming skeletal structures such as the cranium and spine.
Provides the baby with the best possible position for birth.

It's amazing the benefits I would have never thought were possible for our patients who are expecting. I am glad we are able to help them all and congrats Stephanie! =)