Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Growing Panes

How many of you have experienced the heartbreak of having your little one cry at bedtime with what seems to be indescribable pains in her/his legs?

You have probably tried all the standard parent remedies: wet towels, walking, reading to your child, cuddling, massaging the legs, all to no avail. The pain still persists. Eventually, your child finally falls asleep out of sheer fatigue and you simply dread this same event occurring tomorrow. Your heartstrings and nerves have had it! Finally, out of pure frustration, you seek professional help only to be told that “it’s simply growing pains” and that your child will eventually “grow out of it.” You can’t wait.

Worried parents often hear such comments. You have probably been told that your child’s legs hurt because the bones, ligaments, muscles, etc., are growing and therefore “stretching,” so it is perfectly normal that they should hurt. This has traditionally been explained away as a normal part of childhood. Does this sound all too familiar?

Many concerned parents believe this theory, for on the surface it seems sound. When you really think about it, however, those explanations simply do not make any sense. After all, when did it ever hurt to grow? And why only the legs? Don’t the arms, the nose, the fingers and other body parts also grow? Why don’t they hurt?

The vast majority of children with “growing pains” are in the very active, physical years. The sudden bumps, jolts, and stresses of vigorous play often produce vertebral subluxations (misalignments) of some of the spinal bones. These vertebral subluxations affect the way nerves control the function of your child’s legs and knees. In adults, this is called sciatica: pain in the leg.

Many parents are surprised to learn that most of the problems I see in adults can be traced to some childhood incident, which caused a vertebral subluxation. Consider this: those of you who are bothered by low back and/or leg pain today (as adults), most likely also experienced “growing pains” when you were little. You may not realize that having your subluxations corrected when you were a child, may very well have eliminated the difficulties you are experiencing now!

If your child is experiencing pain in the legs, or “restless legs,” a visit to a chiropractor with pediatric experience should be a priority.

For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

ADD / ADHD – What Every Parent Should Know

Did you know that one of the greatest minds of our time could not talk before the age of four and could not read before the age of seven? I am referring to Albert Einstein. It is also known that his teacher said he was mentally slow, unsociable, adrift in his foolish dreams and had severe temper tantrums. He was expelled and refused admittance to the Polytech Institute. In today’s world, he would be on Ritalin.

Ritalin is a very dangerous and highly addictive drug. Under Federal Law, Ritalin is classified as a schedule II controlled substance, the same rating given to cocaine, opium and morphine. Withdrawal symptoms can be severe and include depression, fatigue, paranoia, increased dreaming, irritability, bedwetting, and even suicide.

The United States has the highest use of Ritalin consuming 95% of the total amount of Ritalin used in the world. This is in a country where only five percent of the total population is living Ritalin free. If ADD is so prevalent, then how and why are we taking all of it? In some elementary and middle schools, as many as six percent of all students take Ritalin or other psychiatric drugs, according to the Federal Drug Enforcement Administration.

The side effects of Ritalin are numerous and severe. According to the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, the side effects include stunting of growth, depression, insomnia, nervousness, skin rash, anorexia, nausea, psychosis, dizziness, headaches, abdominal pain, blood pressure and pulse changes, and Tourette’s Syndrome (a permanent and irreversible condition characterized by body tics, spasms, screaming obscenities, and barking sounds).

The researchers also reviewed 8 years of injury data on more than 61,000 children ages 3 to 17 and found that those with ADD/ADHD were nearly 80% more likely to be involved in a serious accident resulting in hospitalization for trauma.
According to a Canadian report, Ritalin is responsible for more street crime than any other drug. Kids are selling their Ritalin to other kids. A USA Today report indicated that some kids crush Ritalin into a powder and snort it like cocaine, while others cook it and inject it into their bloodstream.

A well-known criminal attorney, Melvin Nash, from Marietta Georgia, indicated that approximately 60% of the people he defends from everything from DUI to armed robbery have been on Ritalin at some point in their life.

So what are the ADD criteria? Here are a few: often does not seem to listen when spoken to directly, often talks excessively, is often "on the go" or often acts as if "driven by a motor", often has difficulty awaiting turn, often fidgets with hands or feet or squirms in seat. In order to be classified as ADD, you must have the majority of these characteristics. To tell you the truth, I still possess the majority of these traits. I asked a teenage ADD patient in my office what he thought about school. He said he was bored and didn’t feel challenged. What an answer. How far will we go to control, mold, and conform our children to make them “normal?” Are we turning our geniuses of tomorrow into drug addicts today?

For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Have A Heart ...

You are probably asking what could this have to do with chiropractic care. Well, it has to do with a lot. In my opinion, it is a matter of life or death. Your nervous system controls and coordinates all functions in your body, including the beating of your heart. That is a fact.

We all remember the Russian love story of the Russian pairs skater Sergei Grinkov and Ekaterina Gordeva. Sergei Grinkov, the Russian ice skater, died six years ago from a massive heart attack. His trainer said, “He did not drink, smoke, and he worked out every day. I’ve never seen anyone in better condition. I’d put him against any athlete in any sport. I never knew him to be sick. Sergei was the perfect athlete.” In my opinion, his death was related to the lack of flow from his nervous system. I know for a fact that he probably started skating at a very young age. Children in general will fall an average of 2,500 times before the age of seven. I would be able to guess how many times he fell on that hard cold surface, probably 3000 plus over 25 years of skating. Just add the two figures together that is a scary number. Every time Sergei fell he subluxated his spine more and more causing more pressure on the nerve and further weakness to his spine.

Research shows that long-term continuous injuries can be detrimental to our health. The University of Pennsylvania gave Dr. Winsor permission to carry out his experiments on cadavers. Dr. Windsor wanted to correlate the health of the spine with the health of the organ. In a series of three studies, he dissected a total of seventy-five human and twenty-two cat cadavers. All twenty cases with heart and pericardium conditions had the upper five thoracic vertebrae (T1-5) misaligned. He determined that there was a 100% correlation to the disease the person died from and the misaligned vertebrae. How important could that be to the health of your family?

Currently, the number one cause of death in Cincinnati and the United States is heart attack. Approximately 56% of all deaths occur from heart disease. You owe it to yourself and family to have everyone checked for a subluxation.

For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at

(206) 367-2224.

Monday, September 8, 2008


Depression touches one in three Americans in their lifetime and comes at great personal and economic cost. Current treatment for this problem in America is often impersonal and focuses primarily on psychopharmacology. The impact of depression is enormous in terms of human suffering and economic costs both nationally and globally. Estimates of the yearly economic cost of depressive disorders, in the United States alone, range from 30 to 44 billion dollars (Wells, 1996). Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and World Health Organizations (WHO) have released a five-year study of the leading causes of death worldwide, which reveals that depression was the fourth leading cause of disease-burden in 1990. By 2020, it will be the single leading cause of death worldwide (Murray & Lopez, 1996). It seems that people are unable to cope with hustle and stress in every day life. Daily T.V. commercials talk about depression and the medical treatment for it, most commonly Prozac. (Prozac) Fluoxetine is now one of the top ten most prescribed drugs in the U.S. with 30 million users (Stokes & Holtz, 1997).

Research showed that rats and mice with artificially induced cancer developed an increased rate of tumor growth when they were given Prozac or other antidepressants. Prozac has been implicated in numerous suicides and acts of violence, and can cause nausea, nervousness and insomnia. So, given the facts and the side effects of the medical choice, what are my alternatives?

Nothing is easy in life, and just taking a pill will not solve problems. Health and happiness comes from within, not from an outside force, pill or potion. Wouldn’t it be great if there were a quick fix? We all know that quick fixes are NOT long-term, but the side effects of a drug can be! Getting down to basics can be part of the solution as well as part of our earthly journey. Therapy, change of diet, exercise, and chiropractic care create the foundation for change and is the “alternative” versus the quick fix. The nervous system is the connection between the brain and body. If there is any subluxation, or misalignment, your mental status, attitude and overall quality of life will be affected. In my nine years experience, I have found that people under chiropractic care lead happier, healthier and more productive lives. Certain lifestyle changes are essential: exercise (secret natural endorphins, which are 200 times more powerful than morphine with no side effects), diet changes (no refined sugars, white flour, or artificial sweeteners), and meditation, which creates focus, balance and better connection with yourself. The combination of these will make a huge impact on you and your family life.
In a recent research project, they compared chiropractic care, exercise and anti-depressants. The results showed that the group that exercised and received chiropractic adjustments had the best results with no side effects. One patient said, “After having depression for fifteen years, chiropractic care, along with exercise and the proper diet, has allowed my body to be the happiest and healthiest it’s ever been.”

By taking a pill, people want a quick fix, while the path to health a lot more of a commitment. Remember, in order to have happiness, you must be willing to change.

For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-224.

Wednesday, September 3, 2008


Today 40 million teenagers carry a backpack to school. More and more doctors are seeing children for back pain and injuries and now that children are back in school, thousands of elementary, secondary and high school students are heading to their classes with overstuffed backpacks slung over their shoulders. The Consumer Product Safety Commission estimates more than 3,300 children age 5-14 were treated last year in the ER for book bag injuries. “It typically puts them off balance and gives them a posture that promotes low back pain,” said Dr. Wayne Yankus of the American Academy of Pediatrics’ Committee on School Health.

While carrying a backpack to school every morning may seem harmless enough, it can cause painful back and neck problems and injuries for students who don’t pack or carry their backpacks properly. It can also lead to long-term medical problems and injuries to the spine that may last a lifetime.

Recently scientists have discovered that carrying heavy backpacks may pose a serious threat to your child’s future spine development. The scientists state the average backpack represented 17% of the child’s body weight. This would explain why 67.2% of the children suffered muscle soreness, 50.8% suffered back pain, 24.5% suffered numbness, and 14.7% suffered shoulder pain. Medical professionals advise that individuals carry no more than 15% of their body weight on their backs. A child weighing:

50 lbs. should only carry 2.5 – 5 lbs.
80 lbs. should only carry 4 – 8 lbs.
100 lbs. should only carry 5 – 10 lbs.
130 lbs. should only carry 6.5 – 12 lbs.
150 lbs. should only carry 7.5 – 15 lbs.
(Source: American Chiropractic Association)

If your child does use backpacks to carry books there are things that you can do to reduce the physical stress associated with carrying backpacks.
1.Make sure that the weight of the book bag does not exceed more than 10% of the child’s total body weight. This is especially important for children in grades 1-4.

2.Avoid using backpacks or athletic bags that have one strap.

3.Ensure that children wear both straps on their shoulders to distribute weight evenly.

4.Have your child examined regularly by a chiropractor so that any potential spinal or postural problems can be addressed and corrected.

5.Use a book bag on wheels or an air cushion book bag (www.airpacks.com) if possible.

If children are having headaches, neck pain, bad posture, achy and strained muscles, low back pain, muscle spasms, tingling hands, and increases scoliosis complications, they are carrying too much weight improperly.

For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.