Monday, July 28, 2008
Auto Accidents
Research shows that within a two-week period, the body will form permanent scar tissue in the injured area. This scar tissue is formed as a result of muscle spasms, poor flexibility of the bones, poor blood supply in joints and nerve interference. I have found in adult X-rays, years after the accident, that the patient will have permanent arthritis and degeneration (if the misalignment is not corrected immediately).
In my experience, the major causes of severe injuries are: rear end collisions, head turned to the left or right during the time of impact, tightening up before you get hit or arthritis in your spine already (this degeneration makes your spine weak and unstable).
It is extremely important that you have your spine checked after every accident, no matter how minor it may seem. Research shows that it only takes the pressure of a dime to take away 60% of the nerves’ ability to function properly. Remember that pain is always the last symptom that will occur. Your nervous system controls every function in your body from breathing, digesting, smiling to running. In the nervous system, 90% controls function and ONLY 10% controls pain. It would be a terrible thing to have you live your life for the next 25 years with a SUBLUXATION, until one day he would develop a headache or neck pain, but lived the last 25 years with less than 100% nerve function to every part of your body. I have found that immediate attention to any injury will speed the healing process and decrease the chances of permanent injury.
I look forward to re-aligning you and your family. - Dr. Lachuta
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Tuesday, July 15, 2008
Preventing Sports Injuries In Kids
As the child begins sports participation, Dr. Lachuta can offer guidelines on exercise, conditioning and stretching techniques, nutrition and general fitness. Of course, when treatment is needed, Dr. Lachuta is fully equipped to manage non-surgical treatment of typical sports injuries. The treatment of sports injuries has been a basic approach in chiropractic since it’s beginning because your child’s nerve, muscle, bone alignment, and their performance are one in the same. Dr. Lachuta is able to recognize certain injuries because of his extensive athletic background. Dr. Lachuta will make a referral to the appropriate specialist if he is unable to help your child.
Although parents may not be able to soften the blow from an athletic injury they can minimize serious injury by taking some basic preventative measures:
1.Determine the child's physical maturation level and match the child's size with an appropriate sport. Most competitive children's sports are organized according to chronological age rather than physical skill or maturation. Slower maturing children are often at greater risk of injury because they are competing with peers who may be larger and physically more developed.
2.Have your child be examined from “Toes to Nose.” This examination is important because it will detect imbalance, poor posture and nerve interference that once corrected will reduce chance of injury and increase performance.
3.Seek professional advice. Given the fact that children will get hurt in play, it is critical that parents use good judgment in treating complaints about pain. What may act like a simple sprain may actually be a growth plate injury, which is very common in youth sports, that demands professional diagnosis on the extent of the injury and how to proceed with treatment.
4.Check to see if your child's organized athletic team has a chiropractor (skilled in the handling of sports injuries) affiliated with it. If not, ask your child’s coach how Dr. Lachuta can become your son/daughter’s team chiropractor.
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Friday, July 11, 2008
Thus we can see that if the immune system were to malfunction we could be in very serious trouble. The most common disorder of the immune system is one that is a lot less frightening: the allergy.
Substances that cause an allergic reaction are called allergens. An allergic reaction (sensitivity) occurs when the immune system overreacts to an allergen and produces too many neutralizing chemicals (especially histamines) to counteract it. Some examples of allergens are dust; pollen; medicines; dog or cat dander; dairy; soaps; detergents and other kitchen chemicals; and even foods like strawberries or chocolate (heaven forbid!).
A common example of an allergy is hayfever. Although most people who breathe ragweed pollen aren't bothered by the microscopic bits of plants that constitute pollen, some have an immune system that overreacts to it. The runny eyes, irritated mucus membranes, redness, pounding in the head, fullness in the sinuses - are produced by the neutralizing chemicals.
The cause of allergies and immune system disease has not been conclusively determined. However, there are those who attribute the proliferation of allergies and other immune system diseases to the mass vaccination campaigns of the past few decades.
Medicine has no cure for allergies, only treatment. According to Robert Mendelsohn, M.D “You can depend on most doctors to largely ignore the cause and instead rush madly to treatment.” Unfortunately, the treatment is often worse than the disease, especially since the relatively safe folk-measures of yesteryear have been replaced by the sophisticated, dangerous drugs of modern medicine.
Overreaction to allergens causes the body to release the chemical histamine (as well as other chemicals) that cause inflammation and other symptoms. Antihistamines are often prescribed to counter these effects. In most cases the antihistamines dry up the nasal passages and decrease the discomfort from itching, but do not correct the immune system overreaction.
Antihistamines, steroid hormones, and long-term desensitization all carry significant negative side effects.
Regarding allergy shots, Dr. Mendelsohn states, "Although millions of patients have received the shots over the past 60 years, there are no, good, long-term studies to determine possible neurologic or other consequences of this treatment." Also mentioned was "a striking incidence of positive 'rheumatoid factors' in allergic children receiving shots.” Clinical studies have shown that breast fed babies have fewer allergy problems than formula-fed babies. Although chiropractic is not a treatment for diseases, allergies included, it does, by permitting the nervous system to function with less stress, permit the immune system to function more effectively - and this is something all allergy sufferers need.
Many studies have revealed the effect of a healthy nervous system on immune system health. Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York's Preventive Medicine Institute and professor of medicine at New York University, measured the immune systems of people under chiropractic care as compared to those in the general population and those with cancer and other serious diseases.
His study found that chiropractic patients have a 200% greater immune competence than people who had not received chiropractic care. Allergies can make people's lives miserable. The standard medical approach may give short-term relief but is controversial and dangerous, and its long-term effects are untested. Common sense tells us to explore the safest, most natural means of dealing with problems before resorting to more extreme measures. A two-fold approach to allergies is often recommended: first, the avoidance of those substances that cause severe reactions and, second, correction of the basic cause - a malfunctioning immune system.
As one authority states, a healthy body is capable of neutralizing these toxic substances and a body which has malfunctioning defense mechanisms cannot. The emphasis on allergies must be on building a healthy body, not on trying to use evasive tactics by eliminating all the allergens."
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Our Patients Speak
I first came to Northgate Chiropractic in the spring of 2007. I was referred by a patient there, Justin. A series of accidents and auto accidents over the years created constant neck tightness with headaches along with low back pain and stiffness. I was having a low interest in doing any physical activities, was often in a bad mood and had A LOT of headaches. This had been going on for the last 5 to 10 years!!!
I thought to give Dr. Steve a try because of the results I was seeing with Justin. I had seen a chiropractor in the past but did not feel that they were as thorough because I was still having a lot of headaches!!!
My first impression of Dr. Steve and Northgate Chiropractic was that he was very professional and caring and a lot of fun too.
Since I have been seeing Dr. Steve, my headaches are almost gone!!! And my low back pain had disappeared. I started feeling results within 2 to 3 weeks after my first treatment.
Because of chiropractic, I feel great and am going to yoga classes again!!!
My words of encouragement for others is to keep coming to your treatments – it really can get better!!!
I believe that Chiropractic care benefits the entire body, not just the spine. I started going to Dr. Steve while I was pregnant, and I have to say, that he is one of the best Chiropractors that I have seen to date. Due to the adjustments that he was able to make, not only my pregnancy receive benefits, such as less pain in my lower back and abdomen, but it actually aided my daughter's delivery into this world. My entire labor process was only 13 hours long, and the active labor process itself only lasted UNDER AN HOUR AND A HALF. The adjustments that he made helped produce a less painful, quicker, natural birth.
We now take our daughter in with us to receive treatment. She is 4 months old, and has been really gassy, but always seems to feel much better after our visits to Dr. Steve.
I believe that Dr. Steve produces great results with his patients, not only because of his knowledge and application of chiropractic procedures, but also because of his caring nature towards his clients.
Dr. Lachuta has a sincere desire to get his patients functional and well and a whole bag of tools to do that, from the lovely rolling thing you lie on when you first arrive, softening the stress out of your back, to the splendid percussor that adjusts each bone of the foot, and - of course - his amazing hands. This is not your 5-min chiropractic drive-thru; he takes the time needed to give consistent and dedicated care to your spine AND extremities. Dr. Lachuta also has supremely confident touch, which means he is great for people who don't like being adjusted - he'll get the work done before you have time to think about it or tense up, eliminating any fears you may have about chiropractic. I completely trust him to adjust both me and my dog!
Balancing Hormones Naturally
Headache, backache, abdominal bloating, cramping, fatigue and mood swings are just some of the symptoms associated with premenstrual syndrome (PMS). No one's completely certain what causes premenstrual syndrome (PMS), but there's no denying the pain and distress millions of women suffer 7-10 days before menstruation every month.
Most women suffer some symptoms of PMS during their childbearing years, but between 10-20% experience severe or disabling symptoms. Drugs and psychotherapy have proven ineffective or undesirable treatment options, with many patients reporting unpleasant side effects and only minimal relief of symptoms. Previous research has suggested the potential benefit of chiropractic care (see "Chiropractic for PMS" in the August 1999 issue of To Your Health), and a recent study provides further evidence of this association. The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics reported that in a nine-month clinical trial involving 25 women with diagnosed PMS, 16 patients received active chiropractic treatment (spinal adjustments and soft-tissue therapy) 2-3 times in the week before menses for at least three menstrual cycles. The remaining nine patients received a placebo in the form of chiropractic "adjustments," using an instrument set for minimum force, such that patients did not effectively receive treatment. The two groups eventually changed over, so that both groups received treatment and placebo during the study period. In both groups, results showed that PMS symptom scores decreased after chiropractic adjustments, with a significant decrease in scores for the active treatment phase compared to the non-treatment (placebo) phase.
In another study from The Journal of Manipulative and Physiological Therapeutics involving 84 subjects (54 with diagnosed PMS and 30 without) evaluated the potential for chiropractic to help relieve PMS symptoms. Complete chiropractic examinations revealed that the PMS group was more likely to show signs of spinal problems (i.e., spinal tenderness, muscle weakness, neck disability, etc.) than the non-PMS group. In another study involving dysmenorrhea, the results were fewer episodes of pain with decreased intensity.
The studies suggest that chiropractic care to correct these spinal problems may be an effective way to reduce some of the symptoms of PMS and Dysmenorrhea. If you're still searching for relief from the pain and frustration of premenstrual syndrome, make an appointment at Northgate Chiropractic by calling (206) 367-2224. A complete spinal examination could be an important step toward finding a solution for PMS.
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.