Monday, May 17, 2010

Be Safe When You Lift

You can take lifting in stride if you know how to protect your back. Lifting right involves a few simple steps. Above all, remember to rely on your strong legs, not your back. You can adapt safe lifting principles when you’re faced with a difficult lift - like a heavy or awkward load.

• Take Lifting in Stride
• Learn All the Right Moves
• READY, SET, GO Approach

• READY - Learn the Steps
• SET-Do a Deep Squat
• GO - Bend you knees. Test the weight. Get a grip on it. “Hug” the load. Align your spine. Lift with your legs.

• READY - Size Up the Load
• SET - Do a Pelvic Tilt - stand or sit and tighten your stomach muscles. Curl your buttocks forward, holding for a count of 5.
• GO - Lifting Odd Shapes - Test the load. Get as close to the load’s center of gravity as you can. Follow the steps.
• GO - Lifting Heavy Weights - Test the load. Get help if too heavy to handle alone. Use verbal signals.

• READY - Survey the Space
• SET - Do a Backbend - Stand and place your palms on our low back. Lean your upper body back, without overarching our neck, hold for a count of 5; repeat 3 times.
• GO - Lifting from High Places - Push up to test the weight, then grip the load securely. Slide the load to the edge and down to waist level. Readjust your grip so our hands are underneath the load, then put the load down.
• GO - . . .and Low Places - Kneel on one knee. Support the load on one knee to reduce the stress on your back. Stand backup, lifting with your legs.
• GO - Lifting Within Confined Spaces - Kneel on one knee and face the load. If you must kneel on both knees, be sure you don’t twist your back as you turn. Crawl, don’t stoop, to move. Wearing kneepads makes this easier to do. Slide the load, whenever possible, to lessen the weight on your back.

• READY - Think It Through
• SET - Do a side bend - Stand or sit with your hands clasped overhead. Lean to one side, stretching as far as you can. Feel a slight pull from your shoulder to your waist. Hold for a count of 5; repeat 3 times on each side.
• GO - Hold loads close. Balance your back. Pivot, don’t twist. Step, don’t reach. Bend your knees.

• READY - Know the Right Strategy
• SET - Do arm circles - stand or sit with your arms straight out from your sides. Slowly move your arms in circles, gradually increasing the size of the circles. Continue for 30 seconds. Rest, then repeat 3 times.
• GO - Lift the load, readjust your grip. Use your legs, readjust your grip. Set the load down.

• READY – Plot Your Move
• SET – Do a wall slide. Stand with your back against a wall and your feet apart. Slide into a half-sitting position. Hold for a count of 10, then slide back up. Repeat 3 times.
• GO – Push it. Place your hands on the load and bend your elbows. Bend your knees, putting one foot forward. Push off with your back leg and take short, steady steps.
• GO – When you must pull, get a firm grip on the load, bending your elbows slightly. Bend your knees, putting one foot back for balance. Push off with your forward leg, taking short, steady steps.

When you’re heading for home at the end of your shift, your back will feel a lot better if you used the right lifting and moving techniques throughout the day. You can enjoy your free time more when you’re less tired and your body is flexible and pain free.

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