Friday, July 17, 2009

Don't let travel pain ruin your vacation!!!

Northgate Chiropractic Offers
Tips for Pain-Free Travel

Nearly 80% of Americans will suffer from back pain at one time or another…Don’t let your vacation be the culprit! While relaxation is usually the goal of summer travel, there are a number of activities that can cause significant discomfort or injury to your back. Follow these easy suggestions to stay pain-free on your next trip.

While in the Car:
~ Stretch. Before long periods of sitting, it’s a good idea to stretch to improve circulation and make positioning yourself easier and more comfortable.
~ Support your spine. While many vehicles provide lumber (lower back) and neck support, you may not “fit the mold” exactly. Bring small pillows for extra support.
~ Shift positions and stretch often. Muscles are much less likely to lock up and cause discomfort. Stop the car to fully stretch whenever muscles feel exceptionally tight or fatigued.

On the Plane:
~ Exercise before you board. Even simply walking along the terminal prior to boarding will keep muscles from becoming stiff or tense early into the flight.
~ Use pillows to support the natural curvature of your spine.
~ Vary positions, move, and stretch. Though you don’t have the luxury of getting out of the plane to relieve your aching back, standing up in your seat to stretch or walking the aisles as needed can prevent strain. Although space is notoriously tight, easy stretches such as lifting your arms overhead or bending forward to touch your toes can do the trick.

Handling Luggage:
Over 50,000 luggage-related injuries are reported yearly by the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission. Many of these may have been preventable by following these guidelines:
~ Check bags. The American Chiropractic Association suggests checking all bags that weigh more than 5-10% of your total body weight. Lifting heavy carry-on items above your head can be an invitation to injury.
~ Lift smart. When lifting an item, stand close, bending from the knees (not the waist), and lift by engaging your leg muscles. Avoid twisting your body as you lift or carry heavy luggage.
~ Shift shoulders often when carrying a bag with a shoulder strap.
~ Know your strength. Don’t be afraid to use a cart or ask for help.

Northgate Chiropractic
Dr. Stephen Lachuta
11065 5th Ave NE
Seattle, WA 98125
Phone: (206) 367-2224
Fax: (206) 260-2701

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