A common ritual in America is getting a flu shot “just in case” when “flu season” is immanent. How safe and effective are today’s influenza vaccines? Dr. Scheifle and researchers described the results of a study of hospital workers receiving trivalent influenza vaccine prepared for the 1988-1989 flu season. Of approximately 500 full-time workers in “high risk” areas, 288 took the vaccine. Of these, 266 returned a questionnaire regarding any symptoms experienced within 48 hours after the vaccination. 90% of the respondents reported adverse effects. 49% reported systemic adverse effects. 5% missed work as a consequence of vaccine adverse effects. This study was reported in the Canadian Medical Association Journal January 15, 1990.
Ten years later, things aren’t any better. A “CBC News” report dated January 12, 2000, states that flu vaccine is only 30-50% effective in seniors and 70-90% effective in healthy adults.
Officials in Los Angeles were baffled when a group of vaccine recipients developed influenza. “We don’t know why. Nobody knows,” said Dr. Weinstein, chief of infectious diseases at Kaiser Permanente’s Panorama City Hospital. “It seems to be the same strain that’s in the vaccine, so it should’ve worked,” he continued.
In Vancouver, British Columbia, during the 6:00 p.m. news hour on Friday January 7, 2000, Harvey Oberfeld noted that of 32 individuals who received the flu shot, 30 had contracted the flu. This is a failure rate of more than 90%.
Vaccines enthusiasts reached the height of their folly in 1976, when a pandemic of “killer swine flu” was predicted. America was asked to buy a “pig in a poke” and accept vaccination. The media proclaimed that failure to do so would result in an epidemic that would rival any in recorded history. The government spent millions on the vaccine. The outcome? There were deaths. There were cases of paralysis. But they were not from the dreaded “killer flu.” They resulted from the vaccine that was supposed to prevent it.
J. Anthony Morris, one-time head of influenza control in the U.S., warned his superiors in the federal government that the vaccine was dangerous and probably ineffective. When they refused to act, he went directly to the media. Morris advised the public that the vaccine was unsafe, and an epidemic was unlikely. As a result, he was fired from his position at the Food and Drug Administration. His experimental animals, representing years of research, were destroyed. His superiors blocked publication of his findings.
Other scientists and physicians were also critical of the vaccine. Nobel Laureate Linus Pauling, in a letter to the author dated May 11, 1976, indicated that he and his wife did not intend to take the vaccine because he felt there was “significant danger” associated with it.
The Lancaster, Pennsylvania Intelligencer Journal of August 14, 1976, reported on a survey of practicing physicians asked about the vaccine. 100% of the physicians surveyed said they would not administer swine flu shots to their own children. T.A. Vonder Haar, then Coordinator of Programs in Public Policy at the University of Missouri stated in a letter dated May 10, 1976, “Virus vaccines are notoriously ineffective…flu vaccines have been documented as having contained SV-40, a known carcinogen, with full FDA knowledge.”
Even the insurance industry balked at this one. They refused to indemnify vaccine makers against claims arising from the administration of swine flu vaccine C. Joseph Stetler, then president of the Pharmaceutical Manufacturer’s Association was quoted by UPI as saying, “It’s like you taking out a life insurance policy and suddenly becoming a kamikaze pilot.” The answer – the government agreed to insure the vaccine makers! What was the result of this debacle?
According to Newsweek, July 18, 1977, $135 million was appropriated by Congress to indemnify vaccine makers. However, claims totaling more than $1.3 billion were filed with the Justice Department alleging injury or death as a result of the swine flu shots. 517 Americans were struck with Guillain-Barre syndrome, and at least 23 died. And what of the killer epidemic? The total number of swine flu cases was six, and in some cases the diagnosis was questionable.
Flu shots seem to be more a product of cultural superstition than science. Think twice before rolling up your sleeve.
For additional information please contact our office at:
(206) 367-2224.
Monday, March 30, 2009
Friday, March 27, 2009
The number one reason for emergency room visits was ear infections in 1998. Ear infections or otitis media is usually the 1st medical crisis that brings new patients to the M.D.’s office. In 1975 there was 9.9 Million visits to MDs and in 1997 there was 30.0 Million visits to MDs for ear infections. What is wrong with this picture?
Children who continue to use pacifiers face a significantly greater risk of ear infections than youngsters who stop using them according to a recent study by the Finnish Researchers. Nearly 31% of children (2-3 years old) who used pacifiers experienced 3 ear infections per year compared to 13% of children who didn’t use them.
Researchers state that, “Living with two or more smokers raises a child’s risk of persistent or recurrent ear infections by at least 85% during the first 3 years of life. By age 3, 83% of children will experience at least one episode of otitis media and nearly 50% will have three or more episodes.
Remarkably, based on a study in the American Journal of Public Health, the risk of contracting otitis media nearly doubles when the child attends day care.
Regarding the role of dairy and other animal foods in the spread of drug resistant bacteria, “Antibiotics in farm animals leave behind drug resistant microbes in milk and meat: with every burger and shake, supermicrobes pour into the stomach. There they can transfer drug-resistant bacteria in the body, making you more vulnerable to previously treatable infections.”
The agency of Health Care Policy and Research concluded there was no benefit from Amoxicillin in preventing ear infections (March 1994-NEWSWEEK).
“We have a tradition of prescribing antibiotics to anyone who looks sick.”
(NEWSWEEK March 1994)
Among the “wonder drugs,” antibiotics top the list. They ward off the assault of harmful bacteria in our bodies. But experts say we’ve come to a crisis point in the battle against bacterial infections resulting from the misuse of these drugs. Misuse breeds stronger bacteria resistance. Since bacteria and viruses are simple, primal organisms, they can adapt and become stronger.
Many ear infections today are resisting antibiotics.
42% were appropriate
23% were in appropriate
35% were uncertain
Chiropractic is a natural, simple and holistic way of improving your child’s ear infection. Chiropractors look directly for a SUBLUXATION; this is a misalignment of a bone that is putting pressure on a nerve creating an interference or dysfunction in a child’s body. There are three ways that a child or an adult gets a subluxation: Trauma – birth process (Dr. Guntman states 80% of children are subluxated at birth), slips, or falls, stress – emotional, family dynamics, chemicals and drugs – antibiotics, sugar, NutraSweet, second hand smoke, and pollution. Chiropractors are the only health care professionals who can detect and correct your child’s subluxation. Chiropractors look for the cause of your son/daughter’s ear infection. Chiropractors adjust children to reduce the pressure of these subluxations so your child can be in his/her optimum state; thus allowing the ears to work properly; his/her nervous system needs to be at 100% (It takes the pressure of a dime on a nerve to take away 60% of it’s function). Only 10% of your nervous system registers pain, the other 90% controls thinking, smelling, hearing, seeing, breathing, digesting, and eliminating movement. In a recent study, children under chiropractic care can get sick less often and less severely, and they will rarely miss days from school.
In another study comparing 200 Chiropractic kids to 200 Medical kids, the study revealed the chiropractic kids had less need for antibiotic, fewer ear infections, less allergies, tonsillitis and 2x the immune system strength.
1. Have your child checked for subluxations to determine if there is nerve interference and what effect on his/her potential is having.
2. Combat colds – colds may trigger ear infections, so make sure that hand washing is a habit at home and at daycare.
3. “No Smoking Zone” in home.
4. Limit kid contact.
5. Eat a wide variety of foods, mostly fruits and vegetables, and minimal amounts of sugar.
6. Reduce milk/dairy and red meat consumption.
“If your immune system is at 100%, your child will be healthy. No one or no drug can fight an infection better than your child’s own body. No interference in the nervous system means no infection.”
“In our family, chiropractic comes 1st. Our child has been adjusted since birth. We have never had an ear infection, it’s not an issue.”
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Children who continue to use pacifiers face a significantly greater risk of ear infections than youngsters who stop using them according to a recent study by the Finnish Researchers. Nearly 31% of children (2-3 years old) who used pacifiers experienced 3 ear infections per year compared to 13% of children who didn’t use them.
Researchers state that, “Living with two or more smokers raises a child’s risk of persistent or recurrent ear infections by at least 85% during the first 3 years of life. By age 3, 83% of children will experience at least one episode of otitis media and nearly 50% will have three or more episodes.
Remarkably, based on a study in the American Journal of Public Health, the risk of contracting otitis media nearly doubles when the child attends day care.
Regarding the role of dairy and other animal foods in the spread of drug resistant bacteria, “Antibiotics in farm animals leave behind drug resistant microbes in milk and meat: with every burger and shake, supermicrobes pour into the stomach. There they can transfer drug-resistant bacteria in the body, making you more vulnerable to previously treatable infections.”
The agency of Health Care Policy and Research concluded there was no benefit from Amoxicillin in preventing ear infections (March 1994-NEWSWEEK).
“We have a tradition of prescribing antibiotics to anyone who looks sick.”
(NEWSWEEK March 1994)
Among the “wonder drugs,” antibiotics top the list. They ward off the assault of harmful bacteria in our bodies. But experts say we’ve come to a crisis point in the battle against bacterial infections resulting from the misuse of these drugs. Misuse breeds stronger bacteria resistance. Since bacteria and viruses are simple, primal organisms, they can adapt and become stronger.
Many ear infections today are resisting antibiotics.
42% were appropriate
23% were in appropriate
35% were uncertain
Chiropractic is a natural, simple and holistic way of improving your child’s ear infection. Chiropractors look directly for a SUBLUXATION; this is a misalignment of a bone that is putting pressure on a nerve creating an interference or dysfunction in a child’s body. There are three ways that a child or an adult gets a subluxation: Trauma – birth process (Dr. Guntman states 80% of children are subluxated at birth), slips, or falls, stress – emotional, family dynamics, chemicals and drugs – antibiotics, sugar, NutraSweet, second hand smoke, and pollution. Chiropractors are the only health care professionals who can detect and correct your child’s subluxation. Chiropractors look for the cause of your son/daughter’s ear infection. Chiropractors adjust children to reduce the pressure of these subluxations so your child can be in his/her optimum state; thus allowing the ears to work properly; his/her nervous system needs to be at 100% (It takes the pressure of a dime on a nerve to take away 60% of it’s function). Only 10% of your nervous system registers pain, the other 90% controls thinking, smelling, hearing, seeing, breathing, digesting, and eliminating movement. In a recent study, children under chiropractic care can get sick less often and less severely, and they will rarely miss days from school.
In another study comparing 200 Chiropractic kids to 200 Medical kids, the study revealed the chiropractic kids had less need for antibiotic, fewer ear infections, less allergies, tonsillitis and 2x the immune system strength.
1. Have your child checked for subluxations to determine if there is nerve interference and what effect on his/her potential is having.
2. Combat colds – colds may trigger ear infections, so make sure that hand washing is a habit at home and at daycare.
3. “No Smoking Zone” in home.
4. Limit kid contact.
5. Eat a wide variety of foods, mostly fruits and vegetables, and minimal amounts of sugar.
6. Reduce milk/dairy and red meat consumption.
“If your immune system is at 100%, your child will be healthy. No one or no drug can fight an infection better than your child’s own body. No interference in the nervous system means no infection.”
“In our family, chiropractic comes 1st. Our child has been adjusted since birth. We have never had an ear infection, it’s not an issue.”
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Wednesday, March 25, 2009
We see sicknesses surrounding us everywhere, people unable to GET WELL. It seems impossible that hundreds of thousands of physicians researching through the years could have overlooked anything. They have millions of dollars at their command. They have every scientific device invented. They have been at work dissecting millions of bodies.
To imagine they could have overlooked anything important, be it material, immaterial; large or small, is preposterous. However, same sickness that existed 4,000 years ago exists today. The same symptoms that existed then are with us today. Names change. Treatments shift. So isn't it time we look for the cause of health, rather than the cause of sickness?
Every man and woman who has experienced serious illness knows the horrors of a long sickness. A sick person's only real desire is to get well and get well permanently. For you to have a longer, happier and healthier life, it is imperative that you be aware of the fact that a subluxation of the top vertebrae in the spine (called the atlas, which lies beneath the skull) is a serious condition that can easily develop conditions affecting every part of the body. The delicate "Brain Stem," just thicker than a pencil, is suspended from the brain and extends down through the tunnel formed by the C1-C2 ring-like vertebrae. When the spinal column is in proper alignment, the spinal cord (or brain stem) can pass unimpeded through these ring-like openings, but when one or both of the top two vertebra become misaligned (subluxated) the "Brain Stem" is impinged and normal nerve supply is cut off to parts of the body served by that nerve track.
Dr. B.J. Palmer’s progression led him to the conclusion that the upper cervical portion of the spine where the brain stem (medulla oblongata) is located is the control center for the entire body and pressure in this area is the cause of every disease known to man. Furthermore, he concluded that removing this pressure by means of an adjustment would correct the cause of disease and the body would heal itself. Dr. Palmer developed the technique called Toggle Recoil. This technique specifically removes the interference and allows the power that made the body to also heal the body. This force comes from “above down and inside out.”
The "Specific Chiropractor" is trained to locate and remove this subluxation (misalignment) and restores the vertebrae to its normal position. The mental impulse life force, Innate Intelligence, can now flow in its full capacity from the "Brain Stem" to the dis-eased tissue or organ; healing or repair takes place in a natural way and pain and the ravages of dis-ease disappear. "Good health is everyone's birthright, we were all born with the innate ability to be well. We merely need the means to tap into that ability. This technique fulfills that ability.
Dr. Steve
To imagine they could have overlooked anything important, be it material, immaterial; large or small, is preposterous. However, same sickness that existed 4,000 years ago exists today. The same symptoms that existed then are with us today. Names change. Treatments shift. So isn't it time we look for the cause of health, rather than the cause of sickness?
Every man and woman who has experienced serious illness knows the horrors of a long sickness. A sick person's only real desire is to get well and get well permanently. For you to have a longer, happier and healthier life, it is imperative that you be aware of the fact that a subluxation of the top vertebrae in the spine (called the atlas, which lies beneath the skull) is a serious condition that can easily develop conditions affecting every part of the body. The delicate "Brain Stem," just thicker than a pencil, is suspended from the brain and extends down through the tunnel formed by the C1-C2 ring-like vertebrae. When the spinal column is in proper alignment, the spinal cord (or brain stem) can pass unimpeded through these ring-like openings, but when one or both of the top two vertebra become misaligned (subluxated) the "Brain Stem" is impinged and normal nerve supply is cut off to parts of the body served by that nerve track.
Dr. B.J. Palmer’s progression led him to the conclusion that the upper cervical portion of the spine where the brain stem (medulla oblongata) is located is the control center for the entire body and pressure in this area is the cause of every disease known to man. Furthermore, he concluded that removing this pressure by means of an adjustment would correct the cause of disease and the body would heal itself. Dr. Palmer developed the technique called Toggle Recoil. This technique specifically removes the interference and allows the power that made the body to also heal the body. This force comes from “above down and inside out.”
The "Specific Chiropractor" is trained to locate and remove this subluxation (misalignment) and restores the vertebrae to its normal position. The mental impulse life force, Innate Intelligence, can now flow in its full capacity from the "Brain Stem" to the dis-eased tissue or organ; healing or repair takes place in a natural way and pain and the ravages of dis-ease disappear. "Good health is everyone's birthright, we were all born with the innate ability to be well. We merely need the means to tap into that ability. This technique fulfills that ability.
Dr. Steve
Friday, March 20, 2009
Add Years to Your Life And Life to Your Years
I have always said that you should begin chiropractic adjustments at birth and continue throughout your entire life. Richard is Eighty-Two years old and continues to receive his chiropractic adjustments. Just as everyone in your family should receive adjustments, you should also bring in your grandparents. With medication use on the rise with the elderly, it is especially important that these people receive adjustments. The average grandma and grandpa are on approximately seven to eight different medications, each one to treat the side effect of the other.
Chiropractic is the essential ingredient to a healthier, more productive and longer life. Research shows that the smallest amount of pressure on a nerve from a subluxation will take away the functions of any organ, tissue or blood vessel that it controls. Chiropractic care should be on a maintenance visit level for their entire life. Colonel Sanders received his adjustments every week for the last Sixty-Five years of his life (He lived into his mid 90’s). Here are what some of the studies have showed how chiropractic care added years to our grandparent lives and life to their years.
A detailed analysis of a database collected during a three-year randomized study of senior citizens over 75 years of age and chiropractic care revealed that they received the following: better overall health, used fewer prescription drugs, and spent fewer days in hospitals and nursing homes than elderly non-chiropractic patients. The chiropractic patients were also more likely to exercise vigorously and more likely to be mobile in the community.
Eighty-seven percent of the chiropractic patients described their health status as good to excellent, compared to only sixty seven percent of the non-chiropractic patients.
Furthermore, the chiropractic patients spent fifteen percent less time in nursing homes and twenty one percent less time in hospitals than the non-chiropractic patients.
A retrospective assessment of 2,818 respondents in 156 chiropractic practices found a strong connection between persons receiving Chiropractic Care and self- reported improvement in health, wellness, and quality of life.
Ninety-five percent of the respondents reported their chiropractic expectations had been met, and ninety nine percent wished to continue care.
Now matter how much arthritis, degeneration you have, chiropractic is the only profession that will detect and correct interference in your nervous system. A healthy nervous system is the key to a longer and healthier life. It is my wish that through chiropractic care you will be able to unlock your fountain of youth.
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Chiropractic is the essential ingredient to a healthier, more productive and longer life. Research shows that the smallest amount of pressure on a nerve from a subluxation will take away the functions of any organ, tissue or blood vessel that it controls. Chiropractic care should be on a maintenance visit level for their entire life. Colonel Sanders received his adjustments every week for the last Sixty-Five years of his life (He lived into his mid 90’s). Here are what some of the studies have showed how chiropractic care added years to our grandparent lives and life to their years.
A detailed analysis of a database collected during a three-year randomized study of senior citizens over 75 years of age and chiropractic care revealed that they received the following: better overall health, used fewer prescription drugs, and spent fewer days in hospitals and nursing homes than elderly non-chiropractic patients. The chiropractic patients were also more likely to exercise vigorously and more likely to be mobile in the community.
Eighty-seven percent of the chiropractic patients described their health status as good to excellent, compared to only sixty seven percent of the non-chiropractic patients.
Furthermore, the chiropractic patients spent fifteen percent less time in nursing homes and twenty one percent less time in hospitals than the non-chiropractic patients.
A retrospective assessment of 2,818 respondents in 156 chiropractic practices found a strong connection between persons receiving Chiropractic Care and self- reported improvement in health, wellness, and quality of life.
Ninety-five percent of the respondents reported their chiropractic expectations had been met, and ninety nine percent wished to continue care.
Now matter how much arthritis, degeneration you have, chiropractic is the only profession that will detect and correct interference in your nervous system. A healthy nervous system is the key to a longer and healthier life. It is my wish that through chiropractic care you will be able to unlock your fountain of youth.
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009
Add Years to Your Life And Life to Your Years
I have always said that you should begin chiropractic adjustments at birth and continue throughout your entire life. Richard is Eighty-Two years old and continues to receive his chiropractic adjustments. Just as everyone in your family should receive adjustments, you should also bring in your grandparents. With medication use on the rise with the elderly, it is especially important that these people receive adjustments. The average grandma and grandpa are on approximately seven to eight different medications, each one to treat the side effect of the other.
Chiropractic is the essential ingredient to a healthier, more productive and longer life. Research shows that the smallest amount of pressure on a nerve from a subluxation will take away the functions of any organ, tissue or blood vessel that it controls. Chiropractic care should be on a maintenance visit level for their entire life. Colonel Sanders received his adjustments every week for the last Sixty-Five years of his life (He lived into his mid 90’s). Here are what some of the studies have showed how chiropractic care added years to our grandparent lives and life to their years.
A detailed analysis of a database collected during a three-year randomized study of senior citizens over 75 years of age and chiropractic care revealed that they received the following: better overall health, used fewer prescription drugs, and spent fewer days in hospitals and nursing homes than elderly non-chiropractic patients. The chiropractic patients were also more likely to exercise vigorously and more likely to be mobile in the community.
Eighty-seven percent of the chiropractic patients described their health status as good to excellent, compared to only sixty seven percent of the non-chiropractic patients.
Furthermore, the chiropractic patients spent fifteen percent less time in nursing homes and twenty one percent less time in hospitals than the non-chiropractic patients.
A retrospective assessment of 2,818 respondents in 156 chiropractic practices found a strong connection between persons receiving Chiropractic Care and self- reported improvement in health, wellness, and quality of life.
Ninety-five percent of the respondents reported their chiropractic expectations had been met, and ninety nine percent wished to continue care.
Now matter how much arthritis, degeneration you have, chiropractic is the only profession that will detect and correct interference in your nervous system. A healthy nervous system is the key to a longer and healthier life. It is my wish that through chiropractic care you will be able to unlock your fountain of youth.
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Chiropractic is the essential ingredient to a healthier, more productive and longer life. Research shows that the smallest amount of pressure on a nerve from a subluxation will take away the functions of any organ, tissue or blood vessel that it controls. Chiropractic care should be on a maintenance visit level for their entire life. Colonel Sanders received his adjustments every week for the last Sixty-Five years of his life (He lived into his mid 90’s). Here are what some of the studies have showed how chiropractic care added years to our grandparent lives and life to their years.
A detailed analysis of a database collected during a three-year randomized study of senior citizens over 75 years of age and chiropractic care revealed that they received the following: better overall health, used fewer prescription drugs, and spent fewer days in hospitals and nursing homes than elderly non-chiropractic patients. The chiropractic patients were also more likely to exercise vigorously and more likely to be mobile in the community.
Eighty-seven percent of the chiropractic patients described their health status as good to excellent, compared to only sixty seven percent of the non-chiropractic patients.
Furthermore, the chiropractic patients spent fifteen percent less time in nursing homes and twenty one percent less time in hospitals than the non-chiropractic patients.
A retrospective assessment of 2,818 respondents in 156 chiropractic practices found a strong connection between persons receiving Chiropractic Care and self- reported improvement in health, wellness, and quality of life.
Ninety-five percent of the respondents reported their chiropractic expectations had been met, and ninety nine percent wished to continue care.
Now matter how much arthritis, degeneration you have, chiropractic is the only profession that will detect and correct interference in your nervous system. A healthy nervous system is the key to a longer and healthier life. It is my wish that through chiropractic care you will be able to unlock your fountain of youth.
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Monday, March 16, 2009
A-D-J-U-S-T-M-E-N-T Spells Relief
ALLER-C - 100 capsules
Description: *ALLER - C is a potent combination formula used to moderate the inflammatory response. Quercetin promotes decreased production of histamine and the 60% citrus bioflavonoid complex supports the strength of capillaries. Bromelain is most effective taken away from meals.
ALLER-C contains per capsule:
Vitamin C (pure ascorbic acid) 450mg
Quercetin dihydrate min. 90%by HPLC 250mg
Bioflavonoids 60% (Citrus) 150mg
Bromelain 2400gdu (pure uncut) 50mg
Other Ingredients:
Gelatin Capsule. May contain Ascorbyl Palmitate and/or Silica.
Description: *ALLER - C is a potent combination formula used to moderate the inflammatory response. Quercetin promotes decreased production of histamine and the 60% citrus bioflavonoid complex supports the strength of capillaries. Bromelain is most effective taken away from meals.
ALLER-C contains per capsule:
Vitamin C (pure ascorbic acid) 450mg
Quercetin dihydrate min. 90%by HPLC 250mg
Bioflavonoids 60% (Citrus) 150mg
Bromelain 2400gdu (pure uncut) 50mg
Other Ingredients:
Gelatin Capsule. May contain Ascorbyl Palmitate and/or Silica.
Friday, March 13, 2009
Stress is the rate of wear and tear on the body as a result of anxiety, worry or exhaustion from a difficult or challenging situation. If the source of the stress isn't found and corrected, it may irritate or damage a person's nervous system, which leads to a wide variety of health problems.
How many people actually understand the origins of stress? And, how many actually understand its influence on their daily lives? Very few people actually understand the destruction that is taking place, not only in their lives, but also to their body.
Dr. Mason in his book The Guide to Stress Reduction states, “Stress is directly or indirectly related to 80-90% of all diseases.” High blood pressure affects at least 15% of the adult population in the U.S. and results in 6,000 deaths per year. It is rarely caused by any single condition, but can be related to emotional and physical factors, such as stress. Hans Selye, leading researcher of the effects of stress upon the body, documented the three stages a person goes through in response to stress:
1. Alarm -- where the body's fight or flight mechanisms are activated;
2. Resistance -- where the body adapts to stress or successfully fights it, returning the body to normal;
3. Exhaustion -- due to prolonged stress, low resistance or malfunction.
These cause the body to secrete adrenal hormones, causing the body to lose its ability to digest. Circulation to the heart is decreased, the body's immune defenses are reduced, and the amount of oxygen carried to cells is limited. The body begins showing signs of dysfunction and is more susceptible to infections and disease, which causes wear and tear on the body. Many people aren't aware of stress until they are confronted with the pains of the symptoms: headaches, fatigue, pain and tension in the neck, shoulders and low back, irritability, allergies, sinus, digestive and sleeping problems.
According to the National Sleep Foundation's 2000 Omnibus "Sleep in America" poll, 67% of adults get fewer than the recommended eight hours of sleep a night; 43% report the lack of sleep interferes with daily activities.
On-the-job stress accounts for some of this worker exhaustion. According to a survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, 46% report their jobs are stressful at least some of the time. Two out of five say that they are always or often stressed by work.
Stress is a part of your life, which cannot be avoided despite the common misconception that it can. All we can do is minimize its implications by knowing how to manage the effects our jobs, money, relationships, children -- and even foods and drugs -- have on our lives. Exercise, meditation and eating properly will also help you manage and deal with stress more efficiently.
Chiropractic adjustments correct the subluxations caused by an overload of stress, which alter posture and the shape of the spine and disrupt the normal function of the body. Correcting subluxations, or misalignments, reduces tension and eliminates the source of stress not only in the spine but also throughout the body and nervous system.
Stress is a good thing and we all need it to survive, but you’re body’s inability to deal with it is what makes it bad. Regular chiropractic adjustments will allow your body to deal with every day stress more efficiently.
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
How many people actually understand the origins of stress? And, how many actually understand its influence on their daily lives? Very few people actually understand the destruction that is taking place, not only in their lives, but also to their body.
Dr. Mason in his book The Guide to Stress Reduction states, “Stress is directly or indirectly related to 80-90% of all diseases.” High blood pressure affects at least 15% of the adult population in the U.S. and results in 6,000 deaths per year. It is rarely caused by any single condition, but can be related to emotional and physical factors, such as stress. Hans Selye, leading researcher of the effects of stress upon the body, documented the three stages a person goes through in response to stress:
1. Alarm -- where the body's fight or flight mechanisms are activated;
2. Resistance -- where the body adapts to stress or successfully fights it, returning the body to normal;
3. Exhaustion -- due to prolonged stress, low resistance or malfunction.
These cause the body to secrete adrenal hormones, causing the body to lose its ability to digest. Circulation to the heart is decreased, the body's immune defenses are reduced, and the amount of oxygen carried to cells is limited. The body begins showing signs of dysfunction and is more susceptible to infections and disease, which causes wear and tear on the body. Many people aren't aware of stress until they are confronted with the pains of the symptoms: headaches, fatigue, pain and tension in the neck, shoulders and low back, irritability, allergies, sinus, digestive and sleeping problems.
According to the National Sleep Foundation's 2000 Omnibus "Sleep in America" poll, 67% of adults get fewer than the recommended eight hours of sleep a night; 43% report the lack of sleep interferes with daily activities.
On-the-job stress accounts for some of this worker exhaustion. According to a survey conducted by the National Opinion Research Center at the University of Chicago, 46% report their jobs are stressful at least some of the time. Two out of five say that they are always or often stressed by work.
Stress is a part of your life, which cannot be avoided despite the common misconception that it can. All we can do is minimize its implications by knowing how to manage the effects our jobs, money, relationships, children -- and even foods and drugs -- have on our lives. Exercise, meditation and eating properly will also help you manage and deal with stress more efficiently.
Chiropractic adjustments correct the subluxations caused by an overload of stress, which alter posture and the shape of the spine and disrupt the normal function of the body. Correcting subluxations, or misalignments, reduces tension and eliminates the source of stress not only in the spine but also throughout the body and nervous system.
Stress is a good thing and we all need it to survive, but you’re body’s inability to deal with it is what makes it bad. Regular chiropractic adjustments will allow your body to deal with every day stress more efficiently.
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A healthy immune system means high resistance to disease and infection, an enhanced ability to deal with environmental stresses, and greater health and well-being. The immune system is one of the most complicated, sensitive, and mysterious systems in the body. It is influenced by our neurological and hormonal systems, by our diet, and even by emotional and mental stress. Science's understanding of it is in its infancy, yet many believe it holds the ultimate key to life and health.
Thus we can see that if the immune system were to malfunction we could be in very serious trouble. The most common disorder of the immune system is one that is a lot less frightening: the allergy.
Substances that cause an allergic reaction are called allergens. An allergic reaction (sensitivity) occurs when the immune system overreacts to an allergen and produces too many neutralizing chemicals (especially histamines) to counteract it. Some examples of allergens are dust; pollen; medicines; dog or cat dander; dairy; soaps; detergents and other kitchen chemicals; and even foods like strawberries or chocolate (heaven forbid!).
A common example of an allergy is hayfever. Although most people who breathe ragweed pollen aren't bothered by the microscopic bits of plants that constitute pollen, some have an immune system that overreacts to it. The runny eyes, irritated mucus membranes, redness, pounding in the head, fullness in the sinuses - are produced by the neutralizing chemicals.
The cause of allergies and immune system disease has not been conclusively determined. However, there are those who attribute the proliferation of allergies and other immune system diseases to the mass vaccination campaigns of the past few decades.
Medicine has no cure for allergies, only treatment. According to Robert Mendelsohn, M.D “You can depend on most doctors to largely ignore the cause and instead rush madly to treatment.” Unfortunately, the treatment is often worse than the disease, especially since the relatively safe folk-measures of yesteryear have been replaced by the sophisticated, dangerous drugs of modern medicine.
Overreaction to allergens causes the body to release the chemical histamine (as well as other chemicals) that cause inflammation
and other symptoms. Antihistamines are often prescribed to counter these effects. In most cases the antihistamines dry up the nasal passages and decrease the discomfort from itching, but do not correct the immune system overreaction.
Antihistamines, steroid hormones, and long-term desensitization all carry significant negative side effects.
Regarding allergy shots (desensitization), Dr. Mendelsohn states, "Although millions of patients have received the shots over the past 60 years, there are no, good, long-term studies to determine possible neurologic or other consequences of this treatment." Also mentioned was "a striking incidence of positive 'rheumatoid factors' in allergic children receiving shots.” Clinical studies have shown that breast fed babies have fewer allergy problems than formula-fed babies. Although chiropractic is not a treatment for diseases, allergies included, it does, by permitting the nervous system to function with less stress, permit the immune system to function more effectively - and this is something all allergy sufferers need.
Many studies have revealed the effect of a healthy nervous system on immune system health. Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York's Preventive Medicine Institute and professor of medicine at New York University, measured the immune systems of people under chiropractic care as compared to those in the general population and those with cancer and other serious diseases.
His study found that chiropractic patients have a 200% greater immune competence than people who had not received chiropractic care. Allergies can make people's lives miserable. The standard medical approach may give short-term relief but is controversial and dangerous, and its long-term effects are untested. Common sense tells us to explore the safest, most natural means of dealing with problems before resorting to more extreme measures. A two-fold approach to allergies is often recommended: first, the avoidance of those substances that cause severe reactions and, second, correction of the basic cause - a malfunctioning immune system.
As one authority states, “A healthy body is capable of neutralizing these toxic substances and a body which has malfunctioning defense mechanisms cannot. The emphasis on allergies must be on building a healthy body, not on trying to use evasive tactics by eliminating all the allergens."
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
A healthy immune system means high resistance to disease and infection, an enhanced ability to deal with environmental stresses, and greater health and well-being. The immune system is one of the most complicated, sensitive, and mysterious systems in the body. It is influenced by our neurological and hormonal systems, by our diet, and even by emotional and mental stress. Science's understanding of it is in its infancy, yet many believe it holds the ultimate key to life and health.
Thus we can see that if the immune system were to malfunction we could be in very serious trouble. The most common disorder of the immune system is one that is a lot less frightening: the allergy.
Substances that cause an allergic reaction are called allergens. An allergic reaction (sensitivity) occurs when the immune system overreacts to an allergen and produces too many neutralizing chemicals (especially histamines) to counteract it. Some examples of allergens are dust; pollen; medicines; dog or cat dander; dairy; soaps; detergents and other kitchen chemicals; and even foods like strawberries or chocolate (heaven forbid!).
A common example of an allergy is hayfever. Although most people who breathe ragweed pollen aren't bothered by the microscopic bits of plants that constitute pollen, some have an immune system that overreacts to it. The runny eyes, irritated mucus membranes, redness, pounding in the head, fullness in the sinuses - are produced by the neutralizing chemicals.
The cause of allergies and immune system disease has not been conclusively determined. However, there are those who attribute the proliferation of allergies and other immune system diseases to the mass vaccination campaigns of the past few decades.
Medicine has no cure for allergies, only treatment. According to Robert Mendelsohn, M.D “You can depend on most doctors to largely ignore the cause and instead rush madly to treatment.” Unfortunately, the treatment is often worse than the disease, especially since the relatively safe folk-measures of yesteryear have been replaced by the sophisticated, dangerous drugs of modern medicine.
Overreaction to allergens causes the body to release the chemical histamine (as well as other chemicals) that cause inflammation
and other symptoms. Antihistamines are often prescribed to counter these effects. In most cases the antihistamines dry up the nasal passages and decrease the discomfort from itching, but do not correct the immune system overreaction.
Antihistamines, steroid hormones, and long-term desensitization all carry significant negative side effects.
Regarding allergy shots (desensitization), Dr. Mendelsohn states, "Although millions of patients have received the shots over the past 60 years, there are no, good, long-term studies to determine possible neurologic or other consequences of this treatment." Also mentioned was "a striking incidence of positive 'rheumatoid factors' in allergic children receiving shots.” Clinical studies have shown that breast fed babies have fewer allergy problems than formula-fed babies. Although chiropractic is not a treatment for diseases, allergies included, it does, by permitting the nervous system to function with less stress, permit the immune system to function more effectively - and this is something all allergy sufferers need.
Many studies have revealed the effect of a healthy nervous system on immune system health. Ronald Pero, Ph.D., chief of cancer prevention research at New York's Preventive Medicine Institute and professor of medicine at New York University, measured the immune systems of people under chiropractic care as compared to those in the general population and those with cancer and other serious diseases.
His study found that chiropractic patients have a 200% greater immune competence than people who had not received chiropractic care. Allergies can make people's lives miserable. The standard medical approach may give short-term relief but is controversial and dangerous, and its long-term effects are untested. Common sense tells us to explore the safest, most natural means of dealing with problems before resorting to more extreme measures. A two-fold approach to allergies is often recommended: first, the avoidance of those substances that cause severe reactions and, second, correction of the basic cause - a malfunctioning immune system.
As one authority states, “A healthy body is capable of neutralizing these toxic substances and a body which has malfunctioning defense mechanisms cannot. The emphasis on allergies must be on building a healthy body, not on trying to use evasive tactics by eliminating all the allergens."
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(206) 367-2224.
Monday, March 9, 2009
Sugar-Free and Spice… Everything Nice
Sugar-Free and Spice and everything nice that’s what little boys and girls are made of. This saying sounds a little bit off, but it is very true in today’s world. When I review an average kids diet in my office, it’s terrible. The average kid eats fruit rollups, 1-2 Mountain Dews a day and has a sugar cereal/pop tart for breakfast. Did you know that one can of Mountain Dew (or any other cola) has 17 teaspoons of sugar in it. You wonder why kids are so hyper today. They are consuming massive amounts of sugar on a daily basis. I cannot imagine what all that sugar will do for the up-down insulin levels through all the growing years. Research has shown that sugar will weaken the immune system, which means the kids will get sick more often.
Have you ever looked at the ingredients on a box of cereal? Usually the most popular cereals have either the first and or second ingredient as sugar. Ethan’s cereal isn’t called Buzz Blasts or Lucky Charms; it is a high fiber and protein combination. Little does Buckaroo know that I just empty the Buzz Blast Cereal out and put the “healthy” cereal (from the Health food section at Kroger’s) in the box. Only when he is older, will he figure this out. By that time it will be such a part of his healthy lifestyle that it really won’t matter to him.
Do this sugar test: give your child what he normally eats that has sugar in it and watch what happens. Within 20 minutes, his/her energy will increase and a mood change will occur. Also in the mid afternoon, they will become very sleepy and crave something with sugar in it.
I have a story to tell that will hit home with a lot of you. Several months ago, we received a call from Ethan’s teacher, saying that he had been misbehaving in school. After talking with her, I asked her what he had been eating. She stated that it had been one of his classmates birthday and the parents brought in some cake. I informed her that Ethan is not allowed to eat sugar because it makes him extremely hyper and very aggressive. My wife proceeded to bring healthy snacks and high protein bars for him to eat on those “celebration” days. It has been about 4 months now and we haven’t had a complaint since. But what about juice? Ethan only drinks Northland 100% Juice or something that we have juiced ourselves. Most juices are made of sugar. My best advice is to look on the ingredients and make sure that if you do feed them something that contains sugar, that it’s at least the 3rd or 4th ingredient. Ethan knows that when he eats sugar, it is not healthy or good for him. If he eats sugar, it changes and alters his personality (aggressive, emotional and doesn’t listen), sleeping patterns and digestive habits. We decided that our household would be a sugar free zone. It has made a big difference on his disposition and the family atmosphere.
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(209) 367-2224.
Have you ever looked at the ingredients on a box of cereal? Usually the most popular cereals have either the first and or second ingredient as sugar. Ethan’s cereal isn’t called Buzz Blasts or Lucky Charms; it is a high fiber and protein combination. Little does Buckaroo know that I just empty the Buzz Blast Cereal out and put the “healthy” cereal (from the Health food section at Kroger’s) in the box. Only when he is older, will he figure this out. By that time it will be such a part of his healthy lifestyle that it really won’t matter to him.
Do this sugar test: give your child what he normally eats that has sugar in it and watch what happens. Within 20 minutes, his/her energy will increase and a mood change will occur. Also in the mid afternoon, they will become very sleepy and crave something with sugar in it.
I have a story to tell that will hit home with a lot of you. Several months ago, we received a call from Ethan’s teacher, saying that he had been misbehaving in school. After talking with her, I asked her what he had been eating. She stated that it had been one of his classmates birthday and the parents brought in some cake. I informed her that Ethan is not allowed to eat sugar because it makes him extremely hyper and very aggressive. My wife proceeded to bring healthy snacks and high protein bars for him to eat on those “celebration” days. It has been about 4 months now and we haven’t had a complaint since. But what about juice? Ethan only drinks Northland 100% Juice or something that we have juiced ourselves. Most juices are made of sugar. My best advice is to look on the ingredients and make sure that if you do feed them something that contains sugar, that it’s at least the 3rd or 4th ingredient. Ethan knows that when he eats sugar, it is not healthy or good for him. If he eats sugar, it changes and alters his personality (aggressive, emotional and doesn’t listen), sleeping patterns and digestive habits. We decided that our household would be a sugar free zone. It has made a big difference on his disposition and the family atmosphere.
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(209) 367-2224.
Friday, March 6, 2009
The most important piece of Golf equipment is your spine!
Professional golf instructors estimate that 80-100% of golfers' swing problems begin from faulty posture. Therefore, having a Chiropractor evaluate your posture should be the first and most important step toward building an optimal golf swing. Most postural faults are caused by muscle and connective tissue imbalances that pull a golfers body out of alignment, or a misalignment in spinal bones. The result of an unbalanced or asymmetrical standing posture will always be unbalanced and decreased performance. If the golf instructors are correct, a poor posture, when addressing the ball, will result in a poor and/or inconsistent golf swing. Moreover, sooner or later, golfing with a poor posture and swing motion will cause injuries. Research states that 80% of the population has lower back pain.
An onlooker may assume that the never-ending quest to put the little white ball into the cup calls upon little of the athleticism required by other warm-weather sports such as tennis or cycling. Not true. Many avid golfers contort their bodies into oddly twisted postures, generating a great deal of torque-the twisting force that opens a bottle cap-on the back. Couple this motion with a bent-over stance, repeat 90 to 120 times over three or four hours, add the fatigue that comes with several miles of walking, and you've got a good workout-and a recipe for potential lower back trouble.
As America's love affair with the game continues to grow and are playing in a big tournament, chiropractors advocate taking a proactive approach that will prepare your body for many years of pain-free play. "Most golfers go until they are in pain, then look for immediate relief. Northgate Chiropractic advocates a different approach-by helping patients look at what they can do right now to reduce the likelihood of future injury.” We want people to be able to play without pain and have the greatest potential for a lifetime.
If you take this approach, you're in good company. As a chiropractor I have found the direct connection between the spine and performance. Nerves control every muscle in your spine. A pinched nerve will decrease performance. Stan Sheppard states, “The difference between winning and losing could be just one stroke.” Many professional golfers such as Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, and Tom Watson rely on chiropractors to increase their performance. To find out if chiropractic could increase your performance in golf please call our office to schedule an appointment at (206) 367-2224.
An onlooker may assume that the never-ending quest to put the little white ball into the cup calls upon little of the athleticism required by other warm-weather sports such as tennis or cycling. Not true. Many avid golfers contort their bodies into oddly twisted postures, generating a great deal of torque-the twisting force that opens a bottle cap-on the back. Couple this motion with a bent-over stance, repeat 90 to 120 times over three or four hours, add the fatigue that comes with several miles of walking, and you've got a good workout-and a recipe for potential lower back trouble.
As America's love affair with the game continues to grow and are playing in a big tournament, chiropractors advocate taking a proactive approach that will prepare your body for many years of pain-free play. "Most golfers go until they are in pain, then look for immediate relief. Northgate Chiropractic advocates a different approach-by helping patients look at what they can do right now to reduce the likelihood of future injury.” We want people to be able to play without pain and have the greatest potential for a lifetime.
If you take this approach, you're in good company. As a chiropractor I have found the direct connection between the spine and performance. Nerves control every muscle in your spine. A pinched nerve will decrease performance. Stan Sheppard states, “The difference between winning and losing could be just one stroke.” Many professional golfers such as Tiger Woods, Jack Nicklaus, and Tom Watson rely on chiropractors to increase their performance. To find out if chiropractic could increase your performance in golf please call our office to schedule an appointment at (206) 367-2224.
Wednesday, March 4, 2009
When Should You Take Your Child To a Chiropractor?
When Should You Take Your Child
To a Chiropractor?
Did you know that some hospitals in Australia have newborn babies checked by a chiropractor right after delivery? I feel this procedure should be routine throughout the world.
You might be surprised to learn that most adult problems chiropractors deal with actually have a start in childhood. Think about this for a moment, your child’s spine is his/her lifeline. Running through it is the spinal cord containing billions of nerves that send messages and information from the brain to every part of the body and back again.
Yes, we all have our very own internal Internet! As long as none of these messages are interrupted, your child should have the very best health possible. If, however, there is any interference with this information “highway,” these messages will not reach their designation. As a result the body starts to work improperly. Chiropractors call this malfunction a subluxation. It can be a serious threat to health. It may affect the immune system, lower body resistance, and leave your child prey to various “bugs” and infection.
Some of the examples of malfunction that I see are: asthma, bed-wetting, ADD, chronic ear infections, colic, scoliosis, “growing pains,” etc.
When should you take your child to a chiropractor?
When you want your child to have all the benefits of a conservative, natural, drugless, approach to health. A visit to a Doctor of Chiropractic should be a pleasant experience, one without painful injections and procedures but with plenty of nurturing. It is critical to have your child examined as soon as possible after birth, as the process of delivery can be very traumatic for a newborn and can create subluxations, or misalignments of the delicate spinal bones. This can interfere with your child’s “information highway” and cause a myriad of malfunctions.
When your child takes a fall, tumbles, or is involved in some trauma. Such an incident can easily create a subluxation, which can lie undetected for years, surfacing in the adult years as a major health problem.
Your baby should have six check ups at six crucial events in the first year of life.
Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of health care in the world, and the largest drugless health care profession on the globe.
When choosing a chiropractor for your child, ask if he or she has special pediatric training or certification; as in all health professions, Doctors of Chiropractic have a number of specialties within the profession. So ask!
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(209) 367-2224.
To a Chiropractor?
Did you know that some hospitals in Australia have newborn babies checked by a chiropractor right after delivery? I feel this procedure should be routine throughout the world.
You might be surprised to learn that most adult problems chiropractors deal with actually have a start in childhood. Think about this for a moment, your child’s spine is his/her lifeline. Running through it is the spinal cord containing billions of nerves that send messages and information from the brain to every part of the body and back again.
Yes, we all have our very own internal Internet! As long as none of these messages are interrupted, your child should have the very best health possible. If, however, there is any interference with this information “highway,” these messages will not reach their designation. As a result the body starts to work improperly. Chiropractors call this malfunction a subluxation. It can be a serious threat to health. It may affect the immune system, lower body resistance, and leave your child prey to various “bugs” and infection.
Some of the examples of malfunction that I see are: asthma, bed-wetting, ADD, chronic ear infections, colic, scoliosis, “growing pains,” etc.
When should you take your child to a chiropractor?
When you want your child to have all the benefits of a conservative, natural, drugless, approach to health. A visit to a Doctor of Chiropractic should be a pleasant experience, one without painful injections and procedures but with plenty of nurturing. It is critical to have your child examined as soon as possible after birth, as the process of delivery can be very traumatic for a newborn and can create subluxations, or misalignments of the delicate spinal bones. This can interfere with your child’s “information highway” and cause a myriad of malfunctions.
When your child takes a fall, tumbles, or is involved in some trauma. Such an incident can easily create a subluxation, which can lie undetected for years, surfacing in the adult years as a major health problem.
Your baby should have six check ups at six crucial events in the first year of life.
Chiropractic is one of the safest forms of health care in the world, and the largest drugless health care profession on the globe.
When choosing a chiropractor for your child, ask if he or she has special pediatric training or certification; as in all health professions, Doctors of Chiropractic have a number of specialties within the profession. So ask!
For additional information, please call Northgate Chiropractic at
(209) 367-2224.
Monday, March 2, 2009
A little help with our Yelp!
So many of you know about Yelp and the reviews that you can do there.
Well, for those of you who are reading this blog and have come into our office, we kindly request your great review on Yelp.
Help us let the world know about the work we do.
It only takes a moment of your time and we will be extremely grateful. ;)
To post a review:
-Go to yelp.com/Seattle
-Type "Chiropractic" in the search tab with your zip code in the "near" box
-Click on Northgate Chiropractic
-Click on "Write a Review"
-Please create profile (if you don not have one)
Thank you very much
~Dr. Steve Lachuta
Northgate Chiropractic
PS Thank you to Valentine's Men's Grooming Salon for the wonderful haircut and detailed instructions from the back of the card they gave me. ;)
Well, for those of you who are reading this blog and have come into our office, we kindly request your great review on Yelp.
Help us let the world know about the work we do.
It only takes a moment of your time and we will be extremely grateful. ;)
To post a review:
-Go to yelp.com/Seattle
-Type "Chiropractic" in the search tab with your zip code in the "near" box
-Click on Northgate Chiropractic
-Click on "Write a Review"
-Please create profile (if you don not have one)
Thank you very much
~Dr. Steve Lachuta
Northgate Chiropractic
PS Thank you to Valentine's Men's Grooming Salon for the wonderful haircut and detailed instructions from the back of the card they gave me. ;)
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